26 September 2006

PictureTel versus iChat, Skype, and free video conferencing

PictureTel was a video conferencing platform that used proprietary hardware and software; it was active in the 1990s. It cost at least 50K for a single installation. Hence, it was purchased by only well-financed corporations. It struggled for years and must have went bankrupt. It was the cool in the 1990s but now iChat with Video is the coolest in 2006. $50K is not needed for the picture telephone experience; moreover, picture telephone is available on regular personal computers for regular people. Skype with Video is cool too, and offers cross-platform functionality. It should be popular because of this latter feature.

University of Calgary's Dept of Communication has a classroom dedicated to advanced video conferencing using surround sound, multiple screens, high-quality microphones. It is a great setup, but it reminds me of a PictureTel scenario. Too exclusive, too expensive, and too institutional. Will I need to book in advance to use the room!! Of course. Im sure it will be great for an occassional academic conference. (But then again, what is wrong with travelling to an occassional academic conference.) U of C's Dept of Communication seems excellent.

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