16 June 2005

Friendster is back from the dead! I haven't touched my friendster page for at least two years. But these past two weeks I've been actively organizing associated services--mostly blogs--and adding new friends. Two plus years ago friendster held my interest for less than three months. It had a short shelf span, collecting friendsters, watching in fascination as the 6-degrees-of-separation circle grew exponentially, and collecting accolades from pals willing to jot a note.  But what else could one do with the original friendster? A hair shy of nothing. However, its been an interested few years during which friendster.com keenly observes meetup.com, blogger.com, take5.com, and other associated companies in the social webnetwork (for lack of any other word) industry. And I'm impressed with their resulting services. Friendster, my friend, well done.

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