12 November 2006


Spongeblog: A blog dedicated to soaking up and squeezing out information.

Moving to blogger

Its been a rough 2 years: 20 odd posts, no readers, but tonnes of viewing annoying flash ads on friendster while editing my blog. Hence, I am moving from friendster.com blogs to blogger.com.

Ads are a major deterrent; its a push-pull relationship between non-paying viewer/reader and advertising corporate client. Friendster pushed it too far with their flashing, laughing, talking ads written in Adobe FLASH. It was too much and I jumped ship.

However, I think a fair balance can be reached. I do not mind Google's text only AdSense program. It is not very obtrusive. On the other hand, MySpace looks like an incredible waste of time, that is too much time wasted on looking and cognitizing ads.

I would also say that TiVo benefitted from a similar phenemonon. Networks pump out so many ads on TV. Customers simply found the balance of viewable content to noxious advertising was no longer favourable. Customers have more power to bypass ads.

11 November 2006

Web without multimedia

The web without images:

Pre-2000: limited multi-media.

Post-2000: free of flickering annoying advertisement (save for cunning google's text-only ads), faster and truly amazing.

Please see annoying ad above or below post

Friendster and friends

TRUISM: people never becomes friends on so-called friendster. They were friends already in 'real life'!!